Task 3 – Modeling.

For task 3 of our asset pack I had to model the 3 assets that I had created concept art for during task 2.

My first model I created was my door.

Door model sheet.png




This image contains my rendered model and both the Ambient Occlusion and Wire frame images. To create the Door I mainly used the Insert Edge Loop on a Plane model, with the insert edge loop I added the extra edges to create the copper and bronze bars going through the center of the door. Insert Edge Loop can be a very helpful tool as it allows you to add extra features onto the face of the object. The other tool I used was the Extrude tool to pull out the bars and the lock section, I find the extrude tool is very useful as it can be used to add extra detail to a flat faced object.

The next model is the pillar.

pillar model sheet.png


Just like the door this image contains the textured image and both of the AO and Wireframe renders. When creating the pillars I used a tool that was only used in this one model, that was the bevel option and I used this on the base of the pillar to create the curved look on the bronze part between the brick and base. The bevel tool can be very helpful to create curves on the edges of a model to bring more life to a design and make it more realistic looking.

The final model is the screen.

screen model sheet.png



When I created the screen I only used the extrude tool to create the copper back of the screen, however the cylinders holding the screen were modified by increasing the subdivisions to add more detail to make them appear more realistic. When I added the screen to the model I decided to make the screen texture slightly transparent to add the glass look to it.

While modelling it is a good idea to create increments to keep early versions of a model ready for use in case of errors later on in the modelling stage, however while creating my models I had forgotten to save in increments.

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