Project Speed, Research and Influences.

At the start of this project I started off by looking at other 16/64-bit games so I could get an idea of other games and their visual styles. Originally we had decided to go with a Cyber-Punk theme, I found researching this genre really easy as I chose this last project, all I really looked at was Blade Runner which is an amazing film to use for researching the Cyber-Punk, in my research I also included Deus Ex, and some art from Art station. These are my research photos.

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However after researching and testing out the styles in Unreal we decided to scrap the Cyber-Punk architecture style and chose a 1980-90’s urban New York city skyline, while researching and designing the world I discovered that I could still use some of the Cyber-Punk features like the neon lighted billboards so all was not lost when we changed our genre. While learning how to design various pixel art style buildings I searched google looking for examples to use for research and influence when drawing the environment. These are the pictures that I used to help me with my environment design.

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These few images really helped me as they contained different art styles and amount of pixels, with some being 8/16 or even 32 bit graphics. This allowed me to find differences and compare the different styles. For the last set of research I wanted to look at adding a form of outlines to my work but I was unsure so I found two images that perfectly showed the difference between each style.
Hostile Frogboir-caves

The first image has quite a clean style while only adding outlines to interactive objects, while this is a nice visual style, I personally preferred the second image as I find outlines on every item adds a nice distinct style that allows you to tell certain items apart from the background if they are the same the colour. I had chosen style with the black outlines around everything when I started to design the World.

Building templates 1





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