FMP: Primary and Secondary Research.

In this post I will cover the Primary and Secondary types of research.

The internet. (Secondary)

Even though the internet has many problems it is probably the best source of information I would use, this is due to the sheer amount of results that you can find from one search.

The internet is also riddled with problems and these problems include the information being either incorrect or old and inaccurate, these problems are often rare to find in things like books as they have to go through multiple checks and are often edited before they are released, however on the internet anyone publish information, an example of this would be Wikipedia as anyone can edit a post, this leads to inaccuracy or incorrect information.

Books. (Secondary)

Books are a very reliable source of information as like I said earlier, they are go through multiple checks and are often edited before they released, this leads to a very reliable source with recent updated information. Another good thing about using a book is that the pictures are often of the highest quality as they are taken for the book

However, just like the internet, even books are flawed. This is due to the fact that books take time to access as many books have vast amounts of information so finding the desired can be difficult even with the help of a glossary. Books are also very expensive to purchase, the only way around this is to visit a library and even then they might not own the book.

People. (Secondary)

Other people can be a great source of information, as they can both explain complex features in easier to understand language if they are a expert in that field, and benefit from their own first hand experience by telling you of stories and memories.

But people do have problems when it comes to giving reliable information, this can come in the form of forgetting information as they may have visited the area many years ago so their information could be incorrect or incomplete. People also have opinions so they  may give different information if they have a negative opinion concerning the topic you are asking about.

Experience. (Primary)

Experience can be very helpful as it is your own observations and opinions so you can use what styles and objects that you personally like the look of. If the experience was strong then that moment will likely stay in your memory.

However, it does take time to gain experience as you will need to visit various sites to see a variety of styles and designs. It also costs a lot of money to be able to travel to different countries and enter museums to be able to gain the experience in the first place.

Other Peoples Drawings. (Secondary)

Drawing created by other people can be a great source as they can teach you how to draw in certain different styles allowing you to broaden your skills. They also give you a chance to develop your visual style. But using other peoples work can tempt you to copy their work, this is plagiarism and it is often frowned upon.

Other Peoples Photographs. (Secondary)

Using photos taken by others is a very easy and useful technique as you can find a large amount of photos on the internet very easily with just a simple search. Photos also record information as they can store information very easily and quickly.

Even though taking photos form the internet is easy, they can also have certain issues linked with them, the main issue you will probably come across would be Copyright issues where you do not have rights to use the photograph, however, Photo-Bashing is often accepted as it does require some of your own skill and efforts unlike simply taking an image for personal use.


Primary Active.

In this project, I have learnt about a new type of primary research, Active Primary (Practical experimentation). This is when you learn from actually doing the work or task. In this task I did a lot of now tasks, such as learning Substance painter and Mud Box.

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