FMP: Big Design Changes.

During the course of this project a few of the larger ideas have been changed, these changes are due to lack of skill, time limits and problems caused by the models. This blog post will be put into categories, which each category being one of the things that I have changed. The Gun. During the…

FMP: Main Menu Music

This will probably be the shortest blog as there was no work really included in this section, for the main menu music I searched for the music online as I have very little experience in audio creation and at the current state my work is in this is no time for me to go and…

FMP – Creating the Target.

Why I created Targets instead of Enemies. I created these targets instead of actual moving enemies with AI due to the lack of time and skill that I have, and AI requires time and skill to be a quality system. So when approached with the problem of what I was going to use as enemies…

FMP: Creating the Weapon.

Mood Board. After giving my pitch to the class, I moved onto to creating the weapon that my character will use. To start off, I created a mood board of ideas for my gun, this mood board consisted of famous movies guns, guns made famous by Hollywood and some guns from my favorite games. The…

FMP: Report of The Week.

During the course of this project we have been tasked with doing a weekly review of all of our completed work. Week 1: Week 1 is the official start of the project as this is the week that we officially came back from the December holidays. During this week I started on two different work…

FMP: Character Design, Concept Art and Inspirations.

Character Inspiration and Idea Generation. For my main character I want him to look like a police officer from the prohibition era of America with the trench coat, Suit, Suit Trousers and a hat like one of the mobster style fedora hats, I will also mix it with more modern clothing as the game is…