FMP: The Checklist.

This blog post will go into detail and explain the check list that I have filled in, the check list was uploaded to the Facebook by our tutor Gareth. The checklist goes through the most important parts of the blog that must be completed in order to get a good grade when I finish my…

FMP: Peer Assessment.

My Peer: Jensen Lewis – Pratt. In this lesson we were paired up with a partner who had to go through our Blog and Unreal level. When going through the blogs they had to identify one thing done well and one thing that must be improved in Research, Context, Problem Solving and Planning and Production….

FMP – Designing and Creating a HUD.

Introduction. In this Blog post I will be discussing the designing and creation of my HUD that will be used in the game. To start off the production of the HUD I created a Mood Board to get an idea of what I want. Planning. To start off planning the HUD I created a Mood…

FMP: The Pitch and my Feed Back.

During the first week we came back after half-term, I delivered my pitch to our tutor Gareth, he also gave me a feedback sheet to keep, this will be included later within this blog. Slide 1: This slide was made to show off the very first idea I had when we had started this project….

FMP – design and creating the Main Menu.

Introduction. I must design a main menu for my game so when the player launches the game, they are greeted with an interesting menu that should be designed to grab the attention of the player and get them ready for the game. As the main menu is the very first thing they see as they…

FMP – Planning.

Planning is very important in this project due to the size and length of our project, this has meant that I have done some planning to be able to organize my work into sections, however I am very behind in my work due to lack of productivity and motivation. For the planning I have done…

FMP: Creating the Weapon.

Mood Board. After giving my pitch to the class, I moved onto to creating the weapon that my character will use. To start off, I created a mood board of ideas for my gun, this mood board consisted of famous movies guns, guns made famous by Hollywood and some guns from my favorite games. The…

FMP: Report of The Week.

During the course of this project we have been tasked with doing a weekly review of all of our completed work. Week 1: Week 1 is the official start of the project as this is the week that we officially came back from the December holidays. During this week I started on two different work…