Asset Pack Project Evaluation.

Critical comparison of research and design tools and methods. The most beneficial resource during the project was the internet. This is due to the fact I have only visited a few industrial areas, such as the Big Pit during a primary school trip and I have also seen a few industrial aspects around the college,…

Task 4 – Texturing.

For the final part of the project I had to texture each of my models. To do this I used Photoshop to design a texture around my UVs take from Maya. When creating textures for a model there are many various tools to use to make them look better, for example use can use offset…

Task 3 – Modeling.

For task 3 of our asset pack I had to model the 3 assets that I had created concept art for during task 2. My first model I created was my door.       Door by Ltaylor2k on Sketchfab This image contains my rendered model and both the Ambient Occlusion and Wire frame images….

Task 2 – Concept Art.

For the second task of my asset pack I had to create concept art for my three assets, I have been tasked to first create three thumbnail sketches of the chosen assets. These are the door sketches. Theses are the pillar sketches. These are the screen sketches. After these 3 A3 thumbnail sketches I had…

My Final Mood board.

This is my final mood board that I have created. This mood board contains images that inspired me, some of the various textures I used and the 3 final models I have created.

My current drawings.

During the course I have done many  drawings, the topic of these drawings have varied from time to time, from still lives of plants to the side of buildings.  

My Research Poster

Recently I was tasked to create a research poster on a game of my choice. The game I have decided to use for this task is Skyrim. When looking at the game I had to look for similarities between the game and real life and what time periods had influenced the game. During my research…

Primary and Secondary Research (sources of information)

At the start of my course I was told to conduct research to find examples of Roman architecture. This week we decided to have a look at all the research methods that we have used during this course. All these sources have their own pros and cons. The internet. Even though the internet has many…