Project Speed: My attempt to create a health pick-up.

Earlier on in this project (just after finishing the pitch) I decided to create a weapon pick-up for my contribution to the interactive side of the project, however, later on, while trying to create the weapon pick-up I really struggled to find tutorials on how to code one in. After searching for quite some time…

Creating an Exploding Projectile in Unreal.

After we created the HUD in Lee’s workshop we were instructed on how to create an exploding projectile in Unreal, to do this we used the HUD level template that we used in the previous lesson. To start off this process we needed to create a material that we will use for both the rocket…

Interactive HUD and Variables.

During this workshop Lee taught us how to create a HUD in Unreal using the User Interface Blueprint. We also had to go into the Edit ThirdPerson menu to add stuff to the event graph. To start we had to design the HUD our-self using the designer tab in the HUD blueprint. After creating the…

Project Speed: My Audio Work.

Later in the project I realized that I had not done any work on the audio aspects of the game so Lee helped me with ideas, this led me to create a sound effect for pick-ups in the game, for this sound effect i found a website that allows you to use their royalty free…

Project Speed: The Hotel.

After the pitch I came up with the idea of a flashing Hotel sign that is flashing on and off. The Hotel. To create the hotel sign I used Photoshop to create the basic hotel sign design. This is the hotel sign that I designed for the world, after creating this I went over to…

Project Speed, Our Team Pitch.

Yesterday Sam, Harri and I presented our pitch to our classmates, our other team member hasn’t been in college for a while so we did it without him. For our pitch we discussed many different parts of Project Speed. I’m going to talk about the pitch here. Introduction For this project we had decided on a…

Project Speed, Audio Design.

In this project our team member Sam has been very helpful with the audio as he has gone out of his way to compose a soundtrack that plays on the demo level that we are creating. Sam, however, has pointed out a problem he has discovered, the music track doesn’t loop when it starts back…

Project Speed, Character Design.

In this project Harri worked on the visual aspect with me, however while I worked on the environment Harri had decided to create the character, he started this process off by drawing concept art of his character in the drawing lessons. These are the drawings. Personally I am very pleased with these character designs that…

Audio in Video Games.

1. Sample Rate. Sample Rate is the measurement of how much of the soundtrack is sampled by the software you are using to compose the music. It is measured in either kHz or Hz with kHz being the bigger amount. 2. Uncompressed and Compressed files. Uncompressed files are called the master file, this is due…

Project Speed, Research and Influences.

At the start of this project I started off by looking at other 16/64-bit games so I could get an idea of other games and their visual styles. Originally we had decided to go with a Cyber-Punk theme, I found researching this genre really easy as I chose this last project, all I really looked…

Project Speed World Design.

The task that I have chosen to complete is World Design. During this task I looked at other 2D games, I have talked about this during my other blog post talking about Project Speed, my task and my research I undertook to get a basic idea of other 16-Bit. Recently I had finished my set…

Research drawings.

During the drawing lessons I drew some concept art and character poses while using little figures. These are the current drawings. I’m quite happy with these drawing as even though they are very under detailed they are concept art pieces of early basic ideas.

Game Dev Project.

Introduction. In this Blog post I’m going to talk about the uses of Visuals, Audio and Game-play/interactive. Visual Style. Cell Shaded. The main distinction of cell shaded graphics is that it has the effect of making the game look like a comic book, while being easy on the eyes. The target audience for cell shaded…